
Frequently Asked Questions, all in one place

MarksBot is a Discord bot that can be used to moderate your server, issue users warnings, kick/ban users in specific roles - you can view the fortnite shop m.fns and m.fns2, play with a fidget spinner and compete with other users to get on the global leaderboards m.topspinners or the servers leaderboards m.spinleaders or add something to your todo list m.todo, roll a dice m.dice, pick a card m.card, check an IP address m.ipcheck, view emojis m.emoji, grab your user info m.userinfo etc - just to name a few

Please review our Privacy policy for more information. You can also request all your data be deleted by running m.delete allmydata in a server channel and MarksBot will delete all information it has for you.

This command uses the IP Stack API and just shows information about the IP that you provide, the information can be displayed in the channel you run the command in or sent to you via DM if your DM's are turned on

If you have a genuine reason for having a large quantity of bots over users please come talk to us in the support server - You might qualify to be added to the whitelist

You can join the support server by clicking here

Your server might be blacklisted, contact the staff team on the support server for more information, in addition if the bot is in another server you can run m.sbc [serverID] and it will tell you if that server ID is blacklisted or not.


There are 3 ways to leave feedback
1. Join the support server and tell us your feedback there
2. You can leave anonymous feedback here
3. Use m.send in a server channel and follow the text on screen.

The website code is open source but it's not actively maintained, the bots code is not open source

There is no process to apply, I will reach out to you if I feel that you deserve a place on the team, you can however apply to be an Official MarksBot Moderator by running m.apply if the applications are open.

No, this isn't something that I'd implement either the command cooldowns are there to protect the user from spam and keep Discord happy so that the bot does not go over it's ratelimits.

You can submit a ban appeal here.

You can invite MarksBot to your server by clicking here.

Want to leave some anonymous feedback or report a bug you found? You can do so [here]
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